Near this place on Saturday last, 6th inst., of pleurisy, Mrs. Bar Association, and is the oldest living lawyer in the State has been engaged in the practice of law Fayetteville, Tenn., since his retirement from Congress Democrat member of Presbyterian church. House of Representatives was against the Ku-Klux Bill he served in Congress for ten years member of the Tenn. Harris in 1870 he was elected to Congress by about 10,000 majority from the 5th Cong. member of the State Legislature 1847-8 while in the Legislature he introduced and passed the bill providing for the construction of Tenn., Asylum for the Insane in 1848 he canvassed for Cass and Butler in the Presidential contest he was active in every Presidential campaign from 1844 to 1860 was the author of many orations and lectures, which have from time to time been published during the Civil War he was Inspector General of Tenn., with the rank of Brig.-Gen., under Gov. Henry "The Eagle Orator," of Tenn., and Whig elector for Tenn. Breckenridge of Ky., was one of his classmates entered the practice of his profession at Fayetteville, Tenn., in 1841 made the canvass of the State for Polk for President in 1844 in this campaign he debated with Maj. Buckner third wife Belle Buckner graduated in law Transylvania University, Lexington, Ky., in 1841, and was the valedictorian of his class Gen. he has been married three times, first wife Judith C. and Nashville University he received the degrees of A.B., A.M. Hall maternal grandparents John and Mary (Hall) Morgan he was educated at Bingham School, N.C. and Margaret (Smythe) Bright his paternal grandmother was a sister of Gen. Statesman, lawyer born Fayetteville, Tenn., Jan., 1817 English and Welsh descent son of James and Nancy (Morgan) Bright paternal grandparents James M. Martin Moody of Cape Canaveral, Florida, and Mrs. Maude Lewis Blair a son, Robert Merrill Blair of Murfreesboro a brother, Hal Blair of Nashville two sisters, Mrs. Blair was a member of the First Methodist Church of Murfreesboro and served on the Board of Stewards. Blair was a past member of the Tennessee School Athletic Association's legislative council.

He was as member of the Murfreesboro Kiwanis Club, Rutherford Education Association, and the Tennessee Education Association.

Blair was also a superintendent for the Scanlon-Morris Hospital Supply Company at Madison, Wisconsin, during an interim period between school assignments.

He was football coach at Trousdale High for one season at Trousdale High and for three seasons at Murfreesboro in the 1920's. Prior to that he was Principal of Polk County High School at Benton, Tennessee, Copperhill High School, and was Principal at Trousdale High School at Hartsville from 1949 to 1957. Blair came to Murfreesboro in 1957 when he accepted the post at Central High School. He attended public schools in Fayetteville and received his bachelor of science and master of arts degrees at the University of Tennessee. Blair, physician, and Levinia Doss Blair of Fayetteville. Wednesday at First Methodist Church with burial in Rose Hill Cemetery at Fayetteville. Reuben Moore Blair, 66, Murfreesboro Central High School Principal since 1957, died Monday afternoon in his office after suffering a heart attack. Obituaries and Death Notices in Lincoln County, TN