So, in most cases i have only a single pattern in my orderlist when jamming live. I then use song-play-mode on this pattern.
amarok 2 rc1, unmet dependencies: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.1.3) but 4:4.1.Then open another tab, load something in, sync the bpm/spd and then use my CRTL-F11/F12 shortcuts to cycle through the patterns inna FT2-like way somehow. Totem opens in some weird semi-fullscreen mode!. #KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MILKYTRACKER INSTALL#
Can't install Mplayer/Mencoder Hardy Heron. Installed fglrx fine but Qt4 font DPI is wrong. Nvidia 8600GT and hdmi tv out to Sony LCD Tv resolution problem. having projector running kills touchpad. sound issue in hp pavillion tx2000z running intrepid. How do I get Banshee to play mp3 files?. problem with certain web plugins (ubuntu 8.10). What filetype is this/how do I play it?.
How To fix incorect monitor resolution in 8.10 (nvidia-settings).Netflix - Ubuntu - w/ new Netflix Mac support.ubuntu 8.10 intel 945 refresh rate not 60hz.
Is it possible to update the flash player vs used by adobe air apps. Logitech webcam on Heron 8.04 - I'm stumped. I have the LG 800 ( chocolate ) and I was wondering if I could connect it to ubuntu?. ATI: When I turn off my monitor, it wont come back on. S-video has altered my screen resolution. FGLRX 8.10 + Hardy Heron 64bit = strange. Troubles with Streaming Videos from Ushare after New Xbox Experience update. Identify image by text on image and move?. Can't play audio due to PulseAudio hanging. #KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS MILKYTRACKER MOVIE#
Movie subscription services for Ubuntu?. Dell Soundblaster Live! (ALSA) isn't working (Intrepid Ibex). using nexus-s tv-out as primary desktop. Webcam stops working after a few seconds. Unable to set snd-usb-audio as default device. snd-usb-audio refuses to load as index 0. Sansa m250 mp3 Player help for XP dual-booters.
PianoBooster version 0.5.0 has been released.Click Effects (Sorry if this is a repeat).Switch to headset problem in ubuntu 8.10.NVidia: Video resolution stuck at 640x480.Cannot connect to external monitor / LCD.
Amarok in Ubuntu 8.10/GNOME:MySQL, Postgreql or qslite?.video playback semi-functional at best.Mythbuntu "media library" live samba browsing.Logitech G15 (v1 with 18 G keys) Multimedia Key function and Volume Cntrl.How to install Media Device Support in Amarok2.can't play audio files created with Ubuntu software.Flash won't work (at all) Firefox 3 Hardy Heron.cant play mp3 on my ubuntu intrepid ibex.Creating ISO of DVD does not always succeed.
nvidia driver in X results in blank windows. my amarok is not playing the music files. Help me PLZ! Flash Player not working for some reason!. Lower Resolution Temporarily for DVD Playback? (Compatibility Mode). AutoGK (Auto Gordian Knot) Equivalent For Linux?. Pulseaudio and network streaming working backwards?. Ekiga-gtkonly: Could not open audio channel for audio reception. Can't capture sound from the sound card. Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module. Logitech Quickcam Not working/ Unable to cam/upload video on websites. Does anybody have experience with Rockbox and Songbird?. Intrepid Ibex: no fast forward/rewind in Totem and Rhythmbox with mp3 files. Some ID3 tag Genres are not supported on Sansa Fize. Sound only plays in default media browser and the sound preferences?. How to do a special purpose install of Sun Java for Vuze. NVidia HDMI 1080p: video is slowdown few seconds every few minutes. Default video media program for 8.04 LTS. ubuntu doesnt start in correct resolution.